Thanks Tom Hurkett for 40 Years of Service!
It is with some sadness and much gratitude that we share with you that as of June 1, 2023 Tom Hurkett has retired from his role as VP-Operations for Minerals Research, Inc. Tom has been integral to so much of what the MRI has accomplished over 40 years. The list is long, but some of the highlights of Tom’s contributions include: being a part of the very beginning of our company’s history as we broke into the copper slag processing world, first in Douglas, AZ, then in Ajo, AZ and finally leading the planning, design, construction and operation of our Cottonwood plant from 2007 to today.
While we expect Tom to continue to be around and provide support for MRI as we transition to new leadership for our operations, please join us in thanking him for his many years of service to the Minerals Group and in wishing him well as he looks forward to slowing down a bit and spending more time with his loved ones and friends.